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The Prosecution holds vital role and significant position in the Criminal Justice System. Therefore its prime duty is to uphold Rule of Law and to protect the innocent from the anguish of unnecessary litigations. Use of technology for effective investigation and successful prosecution is the utmost cry of the day as changing trends in crimes contemplates the use of technology to tackle the most gruesome and barbaric offenders involved.
It is a matter of pride for me that Prosecution Directorate has successfully completed 14 years since its establishment. This year we have made great progress despite all challenges and limited resources. Significant achievements, commitments and valuable contributions of the Prosecution are integral to our success and progress.
Being newly born institution after its separation from the police wing and law department, the coordination between police and prosecution is vital for successful prosecution of cases. Considerable efforts are being made to improve the coordination between these two stakeholders in criminal justice system.
The digitalization of the prosecution work and gauging the performance of prosecutors through the introduction of CMMS (Case Management & Monitoring System) is vital for successful prosecution. Alongwith this, the establishment of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Prosecution Academy is the land mark achievement during the year and would enhance the capacity of the prosecution.
The unparalleled challenges and problems faced by the prosecution officers in the newly merged districts of erstwhile Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) have been taken on priority basis to resolve their issues so that they could perform their duties with utmost dedication and zeal enabling the citizens of merged districts to get speedy and inexpensive justice as provided under Article-4 and 25 of the constitution of the Pakistan.
Muhammad Abid Majeed
Additional Chief Secretary Home
The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Prosecution Service (KPPS) was established under an Act of the Provincial Assembly known as Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Prosecution Service (Constitution, Functions and Powers) Act, 2005. Objective of the Act is derived from Article 37 (d) of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973 which enshrines inexpensive and expeditious justice so as to safeguard the interest of the public during criminal litigation.
Prosecution, as legal party, is fundamentally responsible for presenting the case before the court against an individual for breaking the law, initiating and directing further criminal investigations, guiding for collection of credible evidence and recommending appropriate cases for commencing of trial in the relevant court of law. No doubt, the Prosecution service in Pakistan, despite its pivotal role in the administration of speedy criminal justice system has not been given its due place and importance. However, within limited resources and less ideal working environment, the KPPS is trying its level best to accomplish its two prongs function i.e. guilt may not escape due punishment and innocent may not suffer on culmination of the proceedings.
Performance evaluation in the year 2023, shows conviction rate in the court of judicial magistrate recorded 87% while in the Courts of Session it was noted 48 % as well as 26% in cases of terrorism. It is a matter of satisfaction that the targets assigned to prosecution officers particularly in Sessions Courts, were achieved.
The Directorate of Prosecution is endeavoring to provide digitalized platform in the shape of Case Management and Monitoring System (CMMS) to be operationalized and implemented with enhanced transparency and accountability mechanisms in the near future. Indeed, digitalization of the prosecution work and gauging the performance of prosecutors through introduction of CMMS is vital and pivotal for successful prosecution. Along with this, the establishment of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Prosecution Academy is the land mark achievement which would enhance capacity of the prosecution staff through very relevant training modules and inculcation of legal education through capable teaching / training faculty members, in the near future.
Ms. Robin Haider Bokhari
Director General Prosecution KP
The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legal Aid Act 2019
The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Domestic Violence A | Year: 1973
The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Continuation of Laws in | Year: 1973
The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Child Protection and Wel | Year: 2010
Procurement A Rules, 2014
Sep 13, 2024 ... READ MORE
Jul 31, 2024 Shortlisted candidates for the project position of Software Engineer must submit their attested documents, experience certificates in Directorate of Prosecution Khyber Pakhtunkhwa by 15th August 2024... READ MORE
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